Thursday, April 16, 2009


"It's hard to talk when you're teabagging." - Anderson Cooper (CNN)

"It's teabagging day for the right wing and they are going nuts for it." -David Shuster (MSNBC)

Man, I HATE the media. The Tea parties, which was a huge, unpublicized event across our GOD-FEARING (despite what Obama says) nation, were historic and monumental for me. I'm a conservative, not a Republican, and although it was my right-wing Americans that organized and staged this event, I support it 100%.

So the media has to go and completely, unabashedly bash the whole concept, the whole spirit of freedom of speech. In the weeks leading up to April 15, no unbiased-yet-undeniably-liberal media outlet even mentioned the parties in an effort to squelch attendance. It didn't work. Then, when the day did come, not even an ounce of respect was showed for these people's beliefs or efforts. Instead, the anchors and writers made unprofessional, idiotic, childish jokes about teabagging.

The question I always ask myself when things like this happen is what would the media have done if it were liberals throwing these parties? It would have been a zoo, highly promoted for weeks, months in advance. What if a conservative said the things Obama says? Our rock star president gets away with anything he wants, and I'm so worried it's going to be too late before we stand up as an unstoppable force to reclaim all our rights.

I'm not anti-Obama. He's our president, and if he fails, we all fail. But he is the most radical, socialist presence the White House has ever seen, and if you think socialism is a good thing, do your homework. Have you read the Homeland Security assesment that calls the right dangerous and extremists? We're a homeland security threat now for having different beliefs than that of our president?

I try not to get too political, but I'm angry. Tea Parties (Taxed Enough Already Parties, if you didn't know) should be encouraged, not demeaned. Our country was founded on Christian ideals, Mr. President, and the more you denounce our foundation, the more disgusted I get. You can continue to take more and more of my paycheck, and I know you will, but do something about this media that sucks at its job.

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