Monday, February 2, 2009


God bless the USA. I’m so spoiled, so unapologetically spoiled, by the comforts of this country. I’ll probably hate it after a month, but right now I’m in love with my empty cubicle. First days, I’ve decided, will always be as pointless as the first days of class, which is why I always skipped those. Since there hasn’t been much for me to do today, I’ve been mentally planning how I want to arrange my cubicle. By the time I’m done, nobody will even be able to tell it was once a cubicle, except for the fact that this is cubicle-topia. I’m thinking 8 foot palm trees, a straw canopy and definitely a margarita machine.

Right now I am a report analyst. No idea what that means or if I’ll like it, but my boss – John Paul Lind lookalike – has made it clear that if it’s not my cup of tea, we’ll move me in a new direction. I also found out today there’s a chance I could go back to Australia for my final 6 month rotation. Something to think about, but if it’s possible I could spend the last 6 months in marketing, I would definitely take that opportunity.

One of my favorite parts about working here is the coffee/tea machines which all of us interns fell in love with our first week here. I gave up Diet Coke/Coke Zero/carbonated soft drinks for New Years. It’s been SO, SOO hard, and I did have some Sprite while I was sick, but other than that, I’ve stayed true. This tea machine keeps me up and moving throughout the day more than anything else, and keeps my mind off the tempting, tantalizing bottles and cans of sweet elixir I see all over the place.

If you are in need of busi-cas work clothes, Gap has these incredible pants – the style is “hip slung” – that I’m in love with. Plus, Regina Spektor is my favorite. And I can’t get enough of light chocolate Silk. I made mashed sweet potatoes last night, but they’re not as good as sweet potato fries.

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