Lauren and I set out for our last night on the town. First stop, chocolate!
I was obsessed with this store. You'll see why in a few seconds. |
Just us 3 little bears! (Yep, still wearing my signature Alaska gear.) |
Drooooooool. |
THIS is why I love this store. The chocolate bar. Zomg. (Please focus your attention on the choco-rista behind the counter there. He plays a starring role in the events of tonight.) |
He forced us to try chocolate covered bacon. Not a fan. Nope. |
Those Kokamakalekurumu (the pronunciation is debatable) caramels were my Alaskan obsesh. I ate my weight in these salted morsels. Yumm! |
Having an Eyes Wide Shut experience with my caramels. |
And now, my favorite moment in Alaska: the choco-rista, Rico G., TOTALLY slipped Lauren his number! Sham-on! |
Tonight was the best way to end this perfect vacation. Lauren and I indulged in chocolates of all sorts, Lauren got some digits from an Alaskan stallion and then we consumed ridiculously delicious Thai food. All in all, I give this trip 8 out of 8 stars. Alaska, the Last Frontier, was everything I expected and wanted and needed and more.
Back to the airport so soon, le sigh. Twelve hours of travel and I'll be back home, tired and totally satisfied. Alaska siempre!
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