Friday, November 13, 2009

On this Friday...

...I wish I was snuggled up in one of these:

Laying on one of these:

Watching this:
I really dislike K.H., but my love for G.B. overcomes all odds. With all the work I have to do, it's amazing that I still don't feel like I've plugged into today yet.

Bottle of wine and baby puppy waiting for me at home...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. A busy day that includes getting to deliver and discuss a new business proposal.

2. The opportunity to go home at lunch and kiss my sweet, little dog (and be kissed back!).

3. That Friday comes after Thursday.

4. Eating only chocolate for lunch (which really was only a good idea at the time, but still makes me smile).

5. High heels on hard floors. Such a sexy sound.